
Joanna Moncrieff






Upcoming events:

Bristol, Thurs 11th October “What do psychiatric drugs really do? Challenging assumptions and proposing an alternative approach” University of West of England, Physicial Associate Society. Thurs 11th October, 19:00-20:30; Glenside campus, Blackberry Hill, Bristol. Tickets available here:


Recent events:

‘The RADAR study’ F.E.E.L. group meeting, Friday 12th May, Kingsley Hall, Powis rd, London, E3 3HJ, June 2017

‘The Bitterest Pills: antipsychotic-induced mental alterations and the implications for the treatment of psychosis,’ American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, symposium on ‘The dilemma of antipsychotic drugs: when to start and when to stop,’ 20th May, San Diego. may 2017

‘Many ways of being human: challenging the medical view of mental disorders and the implications for psychiatry’ Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, annual meeting, 21st May, 2017, San Diego,

‘Mother’s Little helper: the effects of drug treatment for mental distress.’ DCoP Annual conference, Brighton, Friday 8th July, 2016.

‘Risks and Limitations of Psychopharmacological Treatment’ Congresso annuale della Sezione Veneta della Societa Italiana di Psichiatria (PSIVE) 2016. Per una Psichiatria Critica: i valori, l’etica e i metodi. Vicenza, Italy, 13th May, 2016.

‘The Myth of the Chemical Cure: rethinking the use of drugs for mental health problems’, University College London, Chandler House, 2, Wakefield street, Wednesday 13th May, 2015, 4.15pm to 5.45pm

‘Psychiatric drugs – more harm than good?’ Imperial College London, Monday 16th March 2015, 6.15pm

‘The Myth of the Chemical Imbalance: origins and consequences’ University of Exeter, Thursday 12th February, 1-3pm

‘Myths and Realities of Drug Treatment for Mental Disorder’ Bath Spa University, Wed 11th March, 3pm

‘Madness, Drugs and Capitalism – an exploration’, SOAS, London, 18th November, 2014

‘Soteria in the pub,’ Hove, Brighton, 2nd July, 2014. Tickets from Soteria Brighton

Herder Editorial Lecture, Barcelona, February 27th, 2014                                                 

Herder Editorial, Barcelona, February 2014 (full meeting in Spanish, English and Catalan)  

Public lecture at University of New England Centre for Global Humanities, February 2013     

Interview with Open Paradigm Project,   June 2013

Guardian Science Podcast, October 2013

Talk for Stuart Low Trust, London, September 2013