Lithium and suicide: what does the evidence show?

There appears to be increasing acceptance of the idea that lithium prevents suicide, and even that it can reduce mortality rates. For a toxic drug that makes most people feel rather depressed, this seems curious. I did wonder whether it might be having this effect on suicide by sapping people of the will to act, but the proposed effect on mortality seems completely inexplicable. A closer look at the evidence, however, suggests the idea is simply not justified.

When I looked into the claims about lithium and sucide for my book The Myth of the Chemical Cure (, the evidence consisted of follow-up studies of people on long-term lithium; people attending lithium clinics or other mental health services where they would be having their lithium levels monitored and their moods checked (e.g. So firstly, these people represent an especially compliant group, and we know that people who are compliant with any therapy, including placebo, generally have better outcomes than those who are not. The large Women’s Health Initiative trial of hormone replacement therapy, for example, showed that adherence to placebo was associated with lower risks of hip fracture, myocardial infarction, death from cancer and death from any cause ( People who follow their lithium regime religiously are, in general, not likely to be the people who are chaotic, impulsive, desperate and most likely to commit suicide. In fact, one study showed just this. People who were highly compliant with lithium had a five times lower risk of suicidal acts than those who were judged to be ‘poorly adherent’ with it ( Secondly, because even small overdoses of lithium can produce dangerously toxic blood levels, people who are thought to be at a high risk of committing suicide are usually not prescribed it. If they are, it is with a strong warning about the toxicity of the drug, and close monitoring by mental health service staff – both of which may, in themselves, help to stabilise someone regardless of the lithium.

More recent cohort studies showing reduced suicide and mortality in people on lithium are likely to be what we call ‘confounded’ by these same issues. People who show suicidal tendencies are less likely to be given lithium and the same applies to people with medical conditions. Not only does lithium cause direct damage to organs like the kidneys and thyroid, it interacts with many drugs commonly prescribed for physical health problems. These interactions can lead to dangerously raised lithium levels ( Hence any decent clinician is naturally cautious about starting lithium in anyone who is physically sick or taking other sorts of medication.

In order to control for these factors, we really need evidence from randomised controlled trials, where lithium is compared with no treatment, or a placebo, in a similar population. Suicide is thankfully a rare event, however, and it is even more rare in trials, which usually screen and exclude anyone who is thought to be a high suicide risk. Two meta-analyses have therefore combined data from randomised controlled trials to look at suicide rates.

So what does the trial evidence suggest? Unfortunately, as I pointed out in my last blog (, most trials of lithium are not trials of starting lithium, but trials of stopping lithium. They consist of a comparison between people who have been taken off lithium (or other medication) and put on placebo and people who have continued to take it. There is some evidence from cohort studies that suicide risk may be increased following lithium discontinuation (, although this could also be an artefact, since people may stop, or be taken off their lithium, if they become suicidal. Nevertheless, comparing the effects of continuing on lithium with the effects of stopping it is clearly not the same as establishing the prophylactic effects of starting lithium in terms of suicide as well as relapse.

Bearing this in mind, let’s look at the results of the meta-analyses of randomised trials. One of the meta-analyses combined studies of different drugs used for bipolar disorder and asked whether the suicide rate was increased in people randomised to placebo compared to those taking an active drug of some sort ( The analysis included four studies of bipolar relapse prevention, all of which lasted at least a year, and three of which included a lithium-treated group. Combined, the studies included 943 patients on active drugs, of which 258 were on lithium, and 418 patients on placebo. There were two suicides in these trials during the experimental comparison phase, and a further one three weeks after it finished. All involved patients taking active drugs rather than placebo. There were ten suicide attempts, eight in patients on active compounds, and two in patients randomised to placebo.

Unfortunately results are not presented according to the different active agents used, so we don’t know if any of the suicides occurred in patients randomised to take lithium. However, the suicide rate in placebo-treated patients in these studies was zero.

So it is curious that the meta-analysis that focuses solely on lithium ( includes so little data from placebo-controlled trials. In fact it does not include a single placebo-controlled trial in which the placebo suicide rate is zero. Reading the paper again, I found that this is because the authors ‘excluded trials with no events in any treatment arm as uninformative’. This decision is totally unsound, however, as it reduces the denominator (the total number of participants) and thereby makes the events included appear more common than they actually were. How this passed the British Medical Journal’s referees is beyond me. This must be why well-known studies, such as the comparison between lithium, valproate and placebo and the two placebo-controlled studies of lithium and lamotrigine were not included in the analysis of suicides. I assume this means there were no suicides in these studies.

So the meta-analysis of suicide rates included only four placebo-controlled trials. There were 6 suicides in these studies, which all occurred among the 241 participants allocated to placebo and there were no suicides in the 244 participants on lithium. Thus the proportion of suicides in people on placebo as presented in the meta-analysis was 2.5%, and the proportion in the lithium group was 0%, a difference that is small, but not negligible. But if the studies in which there were no suicides had been included, the number of participants would have been much larger and the proportion of suicides in the placebo group much smaller. For example, if you add the valproate and lamotrigine trials, the total number of placebo treated patients reaches 524 and the proportion of suicides is then 1.1%. If you add in the large study of quetiapine, lithium and placebo ( – this study was included in the analysis of suicide attempts, but not completed suicides), then the total number of placebo-treated subjects is then 928, and the proportion of suicides in placebo-treated patients is only 0.6%.

Of the six suicides that occurred in the placebo-controlled studies of lithium, three occurred in one study. This study, conducted in Germany and published in 2008, is worth taking a more detailed look at. Unlike most of the other trials included in the meta-analysis, it is not a discontinuation study ( The study explicitly set out to test whether or not lithium is effective in preventing suicide and attempted suicide. It involved randomising people with a variety of diagnoses, who had just made a suicide attempt, to have lithium or placebo. The authors don’t tell us whether any of the participants had been on lithium prior to the study, but I guess it would have been few, since most participants were diagnosed with depression, personality disorder and substance misuse rather than bipolar disorder. Other drugs people were taking were not stopped. The researchers found it difficult to recruit people to the study, and difficult to sustain lithium treatment. Importantly they say they did not maintain the double blind design in cases of  ‘insufficient drug compliance’. It is not clear exactly what this means, but it seems to suggest that people in the lithium group were unblinded in order to maintain what the researchers deemed to be adequate lithium blood levels. They don’t tell us how many people they broke the blind for in this way, but it is possible that it included a large proportion of the lithium group, since the average blood lithium level were frequently lower than the levels specified in the protocol, especially in the early months of the study. So these unblinded patients on lithium were aware they were taking a dangerous drug, and would have had extra visits and blood tests. Now, there is considerable evidence from trials conducted with people with depression that increased visits can improve outcome ( So it is plausible that the extra attention received by unblinded lithium-treated participants in the German study prevented some suicides.

There were three suicides in the placebo group in this trial (incidentally far fewer than was predicted, which may indicate the placebo effect of being in a trial of a potentially toxic drug, with regular monitoring), and none in the lithium group. The difference was borderline statistically significant when analysed by the time to event technique (p=0.05). However, regardless of the statistics, the number of events is small, and as explained above, the conditions of treatment were not comparable across the groups because of the unblinding. There was also no difference in suicide attempts, with 7 occurring in each group.

A similar study was conducted recently in Italy in people diagnosed with ‘major depression’ who had just committed an act of deliberate self-harm. It was not blinded, and no placebo was used. Again, it proved difficult to recruit to the study. In the end 29 people were randomised to start lithium, and 27 to ‘usual care’. There was one suicide in the lithium group, and five suicide attempts. In the placebo group there were no suicides, but seven suicide attempts.

So there is the evidence on lithium and suicide. The meta-analysis that has been accepted as demonstrating that lithium prevents suicide spuriously inflated the suicide rate on placebo by excluding studies in which no suicides occurred. The only double blind, prospective study designed to test whether lithium reduces suicide in people at high risk, ended up unblinding many of its participants, and in any case suicidal events were low in both groups.

The fact that studies of suicide prevention have been so difficult to recruit to, suggests patients may have more sense than researchers in this field!

17 thoughts on “Lithium and suicide: what does the evidence show?

  1. I was on lithium and at a blood level dose that the medicine should have been therapeutic and I I overdosed on other meds as a very serious attempt to end my life. I did not overdose on lithium because I have a bipolar aunt that did that and it was horrendous. So in my head I was certain that I’d never overdose or attempt to kill myself with lithium, but none the less, the medicine was not at all therapeutic for me and I did have a suicide attempt while taking it.

  2. Dr. Moncrieff,

    About lithium evidence of clinical trial registries:

    Limited data on (intervention: lithium | outcome: suicide): 13 registered studies.

    Only 1 out of 13 study records have available results (NCT01189812):
    – Limited sample size = 80 patients (attrition 8 per group – 20%).
    – Short-term of patient follow-up = 4 weeks
    – Surrogate outcome variable: Sheehan-Suicidality Tracking Scale (S-STS)


    Jorge R.

  3. Dr. Moncrief,
    It’s great to read very interesting articles by a shrink with a great sense of humour! “For a toxic drug that makes most people feel rather depressed, this seems curious. I did wonder whether it might be having this effect on suicide by sapping people of the will to act. Ha ha. I was put on lithium back in the late 1970s. That was my first trip a small wing in a hospital in Penticton, BC where just one shrink had about 10 patients. He diagnosed me as Manic Depressive. I didn’t mention that I had just smoked up some really potent Lebanese hashish prior to my “pychotic” symptoms. That was my first chance at experiencing what a drug-induced lobotomy feels like, & where your mind is so numbed up by the lithium, that you just wish you were dead. However, I was so “sapped” that I didn’t have the will to act! It’s a good thing that I didn’t know that had I taken the whole bottle of lithium the problem would have been solved. Fortunately, a good friend who is a nurse & had just completed her psychiatric stint at that hospital, & where we became good friends, told me: “Mara, if you keep taking that bloody lithium you’ll just be a big zombie for the rest of your life!” I was a big, fat zombie, so I stopped taking it, slimmed down, & had the time of my life down in northern California, while working in nursing.

    Unfortunately, I smoked a joint (about age 40) when back here in Victoria BC. And darned if that Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) wasn’t on record, I could have just told the new shrink that I was psychotic due to the great BC bud. That’s why people smoke it – because they get tired of living in reality. Unfortunately for me, it makes me go psychotic & the shrinks think it’s BAD! Ha ha!

    Margaret Trudeau is right: “Marijuana is a really great drug.” A few tokes of BC bud is sort of like a drug-induced lobotomy!!!

    Mara Jane Rogers – This 10th shrink still thinks I suffer from Bipolar disorder so perhaps it’s true. I’m what the shrinks call a notorious non-compliant client, because I always get off these awful drugs. By far lithium was the very worst psychiatric drug!!!

  4. Pingback: Lithium can make us a little bit happier | TLP

  5. Pingback: Common Sense with Lithium | Faith Seeking Understanding

  6. Devan Turko here, Nov.13 2016

    Dear Mara,

    I have experienced similar trouble with my anti-psychotic drug called Abilify. I am a 25 y.o. male with some college experience and I have served just over 5 years in the Royal Canadian Navy (R.C.N.). I have reason to believe that I was misdiagnosed as suffering from Bi-polar (manic depressive) disorder. Also called Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD). I was drug free for my time in the Navy. My rescent experience with this anti-psychotic/ mood stabilizer is causing uncomfortable side effects including anxiety and nerve sensitvity in the extremities. It also makes my mind so numb and slow that I feel hanging myself would be better than going on with life. I love life when I counter act my side effects by self medicating with small doses of stimulants including caffeine and sometimes mixed with the miracle drug marijuana. I can relate to your trouble with being forced to take Lithium. I feel like a guinea pig. They can’t diagnos me properly so they simply pick one of the labels from their list of disorders. Perhaps the issue is deeper than a chemical level, how about a spiritual level?

  7. Dr. Moncrieff,
    I continue to be injected with Abilify against my will to this day (3 Dec. 2016 @ 14:13). This is a toxic anti-psychotic and mood stabilizing drug. The side effects are terrible and debilitates me at times. Although this is a newer drug, it still comes with effects such as akathisia, clouded thoughts, blurry vision, uncomfortable nerve electrification, and lack of ability to heal fast or fully. I also agree with Mara Jane Rogers, above.

  8. What will reduce suicide is stopping the psychiatric drugs that cause akathisia, AD’s and AP’s and benzo withdrawal, lithium is not one to cause akathisia. If you want to slowly take out your Kidney function, thyroid and memory take lithium, it’s a real nasty drug. I was told by a psychiatrist : ‘if you stop taking it (lithium) you may never get better’ Which is rubbish. THE important thing to know about coming off lithium is to do it very very slowly. The longer on it the slower you go.

  9. When I made my complaint, which was about a galactic amount of drugs prescribed/coerced. The psychiatrist called me and said his advice was for me to start talking the lithium again….. seriously. What would you bet, given a chance he would put forward a proposal to have making a compliant against a psychiatrist put in the DSM? think about how many psychiatrists would vote for that!….. and of-course the obvious solution is 800mg of lithium and if you threaten to chew the tablet, bend over sonny Jim… Resistance is futile !

  10. Oh gosh after an email link from a friend, I’m now enlightened as to my true – make a complaint about a psychiatrist – condition: Anosognosia… and it is indeed in the DSM !

    So all my complaint references to all those who have done research on this including Joanna.. (you know all the rest) it’s all a symptom, how deluded can I be, how sick, and ill…OMG.

  11. Lithium was a life changer for me. Finally, something that stopped the suicidal thoughts! Oh, and my thyroid and kidneys have been normal for 10 years now. Just saying.

  12. I am a person with bipolar disorder and without medication I would have ended my life years ago. Psychiatry and medication have saved my life after several failed suicide attempts (a gun would have been handy, but I’m a female and we don’t like messy suicide. It leaves us at a disadvantage.)

  13. Based on reports of bipolars in my community support groups, my patients seen at a state psychiatric hospital, and my own experience, full-dose lithium does *not* produce a depressing sedation in most. But I have seen a few people who became foggy on lithium, or on depakote. One guy got so foggy that he took repeated doses of depakote until he damaged his cerebellum. I’m sure the same has happened with lithium.

    I have seen people whose depression was helped by lithium (mine was), but that seems not to be the case with depakote. The impression I get from limited research and the apparent beliefs of the psychiatric community is that adding lithium to antidepressants boosts their effectiveness, but adding depakote does not. I have never seen a patient report that adding depakote reduced their suicidality. Lamictal is somewhat anti-depressive, but seems not to bring down mania. I haven’t tried Lamictal. A neurologist offered ketamine, but I refused, and I recovered on just venlafaxine and low-dose lithium.

    It would be nice if the research was more filled-in, but if ratcheting down to low-dose lithium removes the risks and side effects, why not add the little grey 150 mg capsule in case it *will* make suicide less likely?

  14. Low dose lithium may help reduce suicidality. What this post shows me is how better research is needed, and how people can abuse research and information to obfuscate in order to promote emotional agendas. Let’s weigh the benefits and risks of using snappy blogpost titles, and focus on helping people with practical, applicable information and research, combined with balanced personal anecdotes whenever possible. That’s what I would like to see more of here.

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